Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Missed me?

It's been a while but hey nobody really reads this other then me. I have so much to do but I have been thinking about how alone my blog must be feeling so I am going to blog every day in April, (or try) It's going to be really hard since I have just started the final quarter of my junior year and I start working this weekend but if Maureen can do it so can I. What am I going to talk about you ask. I don't know? Whatever I feel like I guess. Like how when I put my hair up now the layers in my hair cause the little hairs to stick up like a dork. or how the new sub in Caterini's is driving us all crazy? I could talk about anything really.

Part one! SCHOOL
I really have to start typing my homework for English. Okay what I don't get is a teacher that wants to save paper and send our work to her through email and be all hippy dippy made us write out all the questions and everything for our testy which mine took up five pages then type them out before handing them in. That's just more work for her. I hate It's got glitches and bugs but she swears by it. I have 24 questions done and I have to get one more done then type them out by Friday. Isn't that lovely. I have so much school work to do. And with this new teacher I have so much I can't do in my two period shop class. That was the class I had to do my math homework and English work. Now this sub we are going to have for the next how ever long is making us do work. Okay I know that doesn't sound bad but when your in a class for two periods for two years and don't do a lot of work you get use to it. And going from that to having to do a weekly project is a pain in the arse. Other then that classes are easy. I am doing find in everything/

Part Two.......PROM
I am going to prom I have my dress and everything. I am going to prom with a friend of mine named Jimmie. He is really sweet, we are matching and he is paying for everything and I mean everything even our limo. Which I feel bad and I did offer to pay for something but his mom said NO. My dress is blue well aquaishy. It's knee length and really cute. I will have pictures up after prom. promise.

Part 3!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

1 comment:

Keri Mikulski said...

Welcome back, Kaitlyn!!

Take lots of pics of prom!!! :)