Sunday, December 14, 2008

I have been gone a while....

I know I have been slacking on posting big time. Sorry.

We had the first tree falling of the year. And I didn't cause it. Every year our tree, one of them at least, falls over and I am usually the reason for that. I can't help it I am very clumsy. Well yesterday my dad knocked over the tree. The good thing was it was the tree in the dining room and didn't have anything breakable on it.

Layout of the Prosser family trees. Every year we have two or more trees. Tree one that the presents go under is in the living room. It's the biggest one with all our decorations on it. Then there is the red tree. It's the tree decorated with all red ornaments and that one is in the dining room. Then in the hallway by the stairs there is the gold and sliver tree, it's have holly painted gold and silver decorating it and all our cute woodland beanie babies on it. Then Up in my parents room there is the purple tree, the lights are purple and fruit ornimets decorating it. Last Kyle and Kolin each have a tree and I have one. Little ones for in our rooms. That is a lot of trees. This year I think we are only putting out two of them.

Our house looks like Christmas threw up all over. Every inch of our family room and every other place but my room and the boys room is covered in Christmas decorations. Don't get my wrong I love Christmas time but I hate all the decorations all over because that means breakables. And I am not good when there are breakable things all over.

1 comment:

Keri Mikulski said...

LOL - Love Christmas threw up all over. :)