Monday, September 22, 2008

it's been a while I know.

I am sorry I have been lacking in posting on anything. I have been doing a lot of other stuff. Like soccer. Most nights I come home do my homework, have my little talk with Lauren, then with M2 then bed. Not much going on other then that.

I know Kaitlyn has a dull life right now. But hey you know you love reading about it.

So we had to write a creation myth for English class today. I am not going to post mine and Lauren's on here but lets just say it involved a beaver and a puffin. Liam and Sophie. If you want to read more. Post a comment and I will email it. It's to long to post on here.

Been listening to music. The Mudbloods are my new obsession.


Keri Mikulski said...

How's soccer going?

A beaver and a puffin? :)

Kaitlyn said...

Soccer is going good.

Yes the beaver was lonely so he made Sophie the puffin and Sophie tickled him and he sneezed and out came humans and different animals each time he sneezed. It's a good story to tell the kids.