Friday, September 5, 2008

Thus ends the first week of school...

How was your week? Mine was okay I guess. I didn't do much a long the lines of hardcore work or anything just the easy first week stuff.

Spanish is cool Kolin and I sit together. Spanish with my little brother and Lauren the joys. But really the class is awesome and Mrs. de Novas is really nice even if I already knew that seeing she is our class adviser. I have my bestest buddy Laddidoodle again as a teacher he and I are great pals. The first thing he said to me was welcome back stupid. So I told him it was cold in the room and sat down. Love Laddikins. All my other teachers are awesome. Junior year is going to be easy and fun. (note anything said here might be later said otherwise feeling change towards things when the stress is high)

Soccer on the other hand sucked. Today was our first game and I couldn't play! I had to have six days in and I had five and a half. And I wasn't at the practice yesterday to know what to wear. Gosh I was at the flipping Doctor! Last I checked Doctor visits are excused. All good no more complaining. (yeah right).

I miss the lazy crazy days of summer. Watching none stop Doctor Who and obsessing about Harry Potter without people making fun of you. Where did those days go?


Keri Mikulski said...

Hi, Kaitlyn! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying school. :)

I started AN ABUNDANCE OF KATHERINES and I love it. :) Thanks for the recommendation.

Kaitlyn said...

Thats' what I am here for. Book recommendations.