Saturday, August 30, 2008

*inserts Doctor Who theme toon here*

I have not been posting for a few days. I know I have oh so many readers that all of you are so sad when I am gone. Yeah right.

I have been oh so busy with everything lately that getting on here to blog kind of hasn't been working. Plus I am addicted to the Trock forum and have been spending most of my time in there reading and posting on threads. What can I say I like Doctor Who. Speaking of Doctor Who that is another reason why I haven't been on the blog to post. I started reading the Doctor Who book I bought and my god it's amazing. Then Lauren and I have been having this week long Doctor Who marathon.

I have relized that in this blog I have talked about Doctor Who a lot. Or David Tennant. Most know I have a crush on him, like big time. Just thought I should point in out I ramble about Doctor Who a lot and most of you are just like"wth or wtf is she talking about"

My goal is to start watching the Classic Who too. So I can really call myself obsessed. If you don't know there is over 26 years of Doctor Who episodes I am going to try and watch. Some may think I am crazy. Good I like you to think that way. It's going to take me a long time but I will do it.

Jasper the Free Monkey update: It's been a while since one of these. Right now Jasper is exploring the dark world of the between the mattress and wall. First I thought he was eaten by the Beaver Liam or that the doctor showed up with the TARDIS and picked him up. No he is just exploring.

Reading.....The Golden Compass. Don't hate.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The newest member of my toy/stuff animal collection

Last night I went to the mall with a "friend" No names will be said. And made yet another build a bear. I spend way to much money in that store. I made a bear again. He has David Tennant's hair ruffles. His name is The Doctor.

This moment started the whole Doctor Who shopping spree. Well sort of. Lauren and I spent all Sunday and all Monday watching as many episodes of Doctor Who until we were forced to separate and go home. But anyway. After Build a bear I was walking with "friend" and The Doctor and she had her "animal" and the suncoast caught our eye. Oh MOVIES. Started looking in there and what do we find. The Doctor action figure. Kaiti is in awe at that moment. So once again I spent way to much money and bought the toy.

After Suncoast we went to a few other stores but nothing caught our eyes until we got to borders. And I found a Doctor Who novel. So I bet you can guess....that's right I bought it.

I love my new toys. Started with 65 dollars and left with 8.

Oi, I hate soccer.....ALOT

Monday, August 25, 2008

I think I am offically back.

*round of applause* That's right. I have come back to posting. It's been a long time since I posted something really Kaitish. I have been so tired lately to do much.

This post is coming in parts. I feel like adding a little Sophie/john style in here too.

Camping. Long story. It was a lot of fun and now Sophie the puffin has a new friend Liam the beaver. B-I-N-G-O, after all the bingo I need therapy. Madison and I had way to much fun with B-I-N-G-O, after our big win (almost 200 dollars) we just couldn't get enough. Stupid New Jersey and their bingo laws. Oh I did some reading on this trip too. Not much sadly I have been slacking.

Soccer. One word EWWWWWWWW(said in a snobby slytherin voice). I hate soccer right now. All the running and running. Oh did I mention running. It's seriously not fun right now. One week of just straight running.

Other then that Lauren and I have been having a long running Doctor Who marathon.

Friday, August 22, 2008


If you missed me. I am back and will be fully up and running in a few hours on the blog. I will explain more of the trip later in a post.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Leaving Sunday

For a whole week. I think I have mentioned this many times on this and the amoeba blog. I am leaving with Madison and I am so excited.

I have been spending most of my time in a new forum. Don't hurt me ning members I have been on the Trock forum. It's really good talking to other Doctor Who fans. I am also on the ning but not a lot.

It seems like lately Breaking Dawn and Twilight have taken over my world. I guess that happens. I have many things I like but I guess I switch a lot and focus on that one thing and then switch to the other then the other. But I never really stop liking things. Seriously I can still name all the digimon kids in order of their cards. It went Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, Mimi, T.K., and then Kari. I was more into Digimon then Pokemon even. But the point in this is that I shift a lot in what I like and talk about constantly. Sorry if that bugs you but thats me. So I will try and talk more about other things at times but mainly this blog is going to be me rambling aobut whatever I obessing about if you have not caught that already. This might be my last post too before I leave.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

The First Trock Song.

He is like fire, burning through time
As old as forever, but fast in his prime
I saw his blue spaceship materialise
He stepped out and said to me, "run for your life!"

I don't know why I never thought to ask him for his name
But I really don't think he'd have told me the truth anyway
But you know, that's okay

It's completely terrifying but it's so so exciting
He said I was brilliant and I could change the world
So many places I've been and there's so much more to see
We've got galaxies and planets and moons
And an awful lot of running to do

As a full-time companion he gave me a key
And a phone with a signal in every galaxy
As we fell through the vortex I felt so free
Please don't let this danger just be another dream

Because my life before you was unreasonably mundane
I've never been happier although we face death every day
I wouldn't have it any other way

It's completely terrifying but it's so so exciting
He said I was brilliant and I could change the world
So many places I've been and there's so much more to see
We've got galaxies and planets and moons
And an awful lot of running to do

You know you can fix that chameleon circuit if you just try hot wiring the fragment links and superseding the binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary binary

It's completely terrifying but it's so so exciting
He said I was brilliant and I could change the world
So many places I've been and there's so much more to see
We've got galaxies and planets and moons
And an awful lot of running ... to do

Song By Alex. (Nerimon).

This song has become like one of my favorite songs ever. You should check out the wonderfully new world of TROCK. I hope I don't get in trouble for posting the lyrics here. But they are so wonderful. I love them so much. Check Out Chameleon Circuit, they are amazing, well I have not heard them all together but I know Charlie and Alex both have amazing songs.

A week...

Without my blog. Scared. I don't know what I am going to do. Oh wait Madison and I are going on a "camping" (hunting) trip.

Today we podcasted. Fun.

Monday, August 11, 2008

New Headline and blog title

I got bored with my old one. So I changed it. I am going to do a bit of a blog make over I think. I am lazy so I might put it off for a while but it will get done.

I know it's over and that's kind of upsetting but I have been on Lauren and Lena's myspace page for Accio Bodyguard just listening to the theme song. It's like the best song in the world. I say that about a lot of songs but this one is super funny but also super good.

Lately I have been doing nothing at all worth talking about. I finished Breaking Dawn on Friday and then I started getting upset that it was over so I started again. This is going to put me even farther behind Lauren in the reading challenge but I guess The Cullen's are worth that.

Going camping. I am slightly scared to leave and go but I am. I hate long car rides. I guess I should tell Madison that three fourths of the time I puke when I am in a car for a long time. Plus it's a week away from my family and I hardly do that but I think I can manage. But computer withdrawal is one of the most of my worries. I know that sounds bad but it's true. Not being able to watch all my videos and keep up with my comments and stuff. But I think I can manage. I did when I was in France. And that was longer then a week.

I think that week will be fine. I am packing some books for down time. Books! And I will have all my Wizard Rock on my ipod. Plus both Jasper and Emmett are coming with me.

Lauren I am getting this out in the open! I do not love Emmett more then Jasper. One I love them both equal. Jasper is just not as easy to cuddle with. He travels with me everywhere were has Emmett can't travel all over with me because he is bigger. He is easier to cuddle with!
(By the way I am talking about my stuffed Animals. Jasper is Free Monkey, and Emmett is my new build-a-bear. I am a Jasper fan girl all the way.)

Last but not least. The order of this has changed since reading Breaking Dawn.
The Cullen men in order of my love for them.

1. Jasper

It use to be Jasper, Edward, Carlisle, then Emmett.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Today I was watching the Olympics for the first time since they started. I had to text Lauren to tell her what she was missing. Olympic Badminton. Okay I will admit it I only watch the weird Olympic sports. Ping Pong is my favorite. It was amazing.

Now that I have finished Breaking Dawn I have been having very weird dreams. I guess I am just kind of sad it's over. I find myself going to and looking for quotes and stuff. I am suffering from post Twilight obsession. >.<

Friday, August 8, 2008

I have finished....

I started reading at Midnight last night and had to put it down to sleep. I had the goal to finish it in one day and I did. My mom is pissed about it too because she is woh behind. All done. It was good. Sad that it's over. I think I am going to have to re read and enjoy it all over again when I have time.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I got Breaking Dawn today....

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Two Post one Day....

Making up for the lost time.

I was finishing up watching all the fiveawesomeguys video.s Sadly I feel behind in my YouTube subscriptions. But they are easy to get caught up on. One day I will have a video camera. (The day I have enough money). As I finished I relized how much I really like the guys. The girls have Harry Potter and Twilight. And with the guys Alex and Charlie (at least) have Doctor Who and Pokemon. It evens out. (Plus the guys are into Harry Potter too.)

If you don't know I am a fan of Doctor Who. I have all the season and have seen every episode a million and a half times. I did not get to watch all of the new season because my cable connection is shot and doesn't work for most channels. =[ So I listen to the guys talk about it when they do mention it.

Today Alex announced something quite awesome. He and Charlie have started Trock. It's like Wrock but it's TimeLord Rock. If you don't know what a timelord is it's from Doctor Who. Their songs are amazing. But you need to know Doctor Who to listen to them and understand.

I get excited about really awesome music like this. I hope Trock gets just as popular as Wrock. Doctor Who is the GREATEST SciFi television show ever and I don't think it gets a lot of credit around here in good Ole' South Jersey.

The blog will not let me post the video of him singing but it's amazing.

To end this I have come up with what type of Nerdfighter I am and will be working on my Nerdfighter song. (Every Nerdfighter is suppose to make a song about the type of Nerdfighter they are.) It has taken me a while to come up with my official what type of Nerdfighter are you. If I do not make a song a picture book will be made. That's a promise. I will work on it in my spare time and probably a little while I am camping. Vacation sort of. I am filling in for Joe on Madison's camping trip. Okay side tracked. I will tell you by the end my Nerdfighter Title.

I am a Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Twilight, Reading, Writing Nerdfighter.

Everybody I advise you if you have not already check out Doctor Who if your into Scifi, The fiveawesomeguys and girls. They are worth it.

If you want to know what Doctor Who is just tell me and I will gladly explain to the best that I can.

This makes up for the time I was not posting. >.<
And NO I STILL HAVE NOT READ BREAKING DAWN. AND YES I AM OKAY WITH THAT. And Lauren is powning me in the reading challange of awesome. (inspired by Kristina's book club.)

I have returned...

I have been gone for a while. As most people know I have not gotten my copy of Breaking Dawn so I have been avoiding any contact with people who might spoil. Sorry.

While waiting I just sat around doing nothing really. I did a lot of reading and did half my school reading. Did some writing. Then Lauren and I had an awesome time last night. FIREWORKS. We are working on a super top secret project.

I have almost completed watching all the fiveawesomeguys videos.