Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The newest member of my toy/stuff animal collection

Last night I went to the mall with a "friend" No names will be said. And made yet another build a bear. I spend way to much money in that store. I made a bear again. He has David Tennant's hair ruffles. His name is The Doctor.

This moment started the whole Doctor Who shopping spree. Well sort of. Lauren and I spent all Sunday and all Monday watching as many episodes of Doctor Who until we were forced to separate and go home. But anyway. After Build a bear I was walking with "friend" and The Doctor and she had her "animal" and the suncoast caught our eye. Oh MOVIES. Started looking in there and what do we find. The Doctor action figure. Kaiti is in awe at that moment. So once again I spent way to much money and bought the toy.

After Suncoast we went to a few other stores but nothing caught our eyes until we got to borders. And I found a Doctor Who novel. So I bet you can guess....that's right I bought it.

I love my new toys. Started with 65 dollars and left with 8.

Oi, I hate soccer.....ALOT

1 comment:

Keri Mikulski said...

I love build a bear. :)