Monday, August 11, 2008

New Headline and blog title

I got bored with my old one. So I changed it. I am going to do a bit of a blog make over I think. I am lazy so I might put it off for a while but it will get done.

I know it's over and that's kind of upsetting but I have been on Lauren and Lena's myspace page for Accio Bodyguard just listening to the theme song. It's like the best song in the world. I say that about a lot of songs but this one is super funny but also super good.

Lately I have been doing nothing at all worth talking about. I finished Breaking Dawn on Friday and then I started getting upset that it was over so I started again. This is going to put me even farther behind Lauren in the reading challenge but I guess The Cullen's are worth that.

Going camping. I am slightly scared to leave and go but I am. I hate long car rides. I guess I should tell Madison that three fourths of the time I puke when I am in a car for a long time. Plus it's a week away from my family and I hardly do that but I think I can manage. But computer withdrawal is one of the most of my worries. I know that sounds bad but it's true. Not being able to watch all my videos and keep up with my comments and stuff. But I think I can manage. I did when I was in France. And that was longer then a week.

I think that week will be fine. I am packing some books for down time. Books! And I will have all my Wizard Rock on my ipod. Plus both Jasper and Emmett are coming with me.

Lauren I am getting this out in the open! I do not love Emmett more then Jasper. One I love them both equal. Jasper is just not as easy to cuddle with. He travels with me everywhere were has Emmett can't travel all over with me because he is bigger. He is easier to cuddle with!
(By the way I am talking about my stuffed Animals. Jasper is Free Monkey, and Emmett is my new build-a-bear. I am a Jasper fan girl all the way.)

Last but not least. The order of this has changed since reading Breaking Dawn.
The Cullen men in order of my love for them.

1. Jasper

It use to be Jasper, Edward, Carlisle, then Emmett.