Monday, July 14, 2008

Why today is notsome

Okay Lauren I have not spoken to mystery man in THREE DAYS! And well quite frankly I miss him!

I have been trying to find myself a nice Slytherin necktie. Not one of the cheap ugly not the right color ones you can buy some places but a nice official one. And I don't want to pay the 19.99 on So I am going to amazon it.....

five minutes later.....

I found one for 16.99 and I think I am going to buy it. I also plan on later in life buying the matching scarf or asking my mommy for it for Christmas. I have a problem....I like guys who like Harry me they couldn't get any hotter. -Lauren Fairweather.

Why today is awesome.

Kristina's video I guess I have to look forward to.
And I have a job now. (hope I can keep it)
Maybe mystery man will get online. It's like five at night for him now.

Later awesome things this week:

Lauren, Kayley, Hayley and Liane's videos.
Lauren's cds getting mailed out. Two should come to my house.
The writing thing at the library.
My threadless shirts arriving in the mail.
Finding my necktie and wearing it with Slytherin pride.

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